Heale wound care is a developing nurse cooperative that uses a wholistic approach to the care of people with wound, foot, ostomy and continence problems. Education for both patients, caregivers and practitioners is a major focus.
Based in mid Vermont, Heale Wound Care offers assessment and care planning for wound, ostomy, and continence problems; a support group for people with an ostomy; and at-home/clinic foot and nail care.
Education packages for clinicians include nationally recognized wound and ostomy courses.
Heale Wound Care was founded in 2004 by Margaret Heale, a British nurse who arrived in the USA in 1999. Having completed the Cardiff University course in wound care and tissue viability the opportunity to utilize a wholistic nursing focus rather than a medical diagnostic approach to wound care and tissue viability became a major force in her career. Recently retired Margaret has handed over the banner to Melissa Porter who will be able to develop this nursing focused approach as the health care system struggles into the future.
Margaret Heale RN MSc cert WOCN